Acupuncture, a medical treatment based on traditional Chinese medicine, is called acupuncture. To relieve symptoms and discomfort, an acupuncturist inserts stainless steel needles that are thin, flexible, and firm into the body.
Stimulating certain meridians, zones, or spots can be thought to help clear blockages and restore the body’s natural balance. It is frequently utilized to improve blood flow and relieve pain in a specific area. Acupuncture can treat various physical, neurological, mental, and emotional issues. These conditions are just a few.
What Can Acupuncture Help With?
1. Chronic pain
Acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating chronic pain has been widely established. Clinically, acupuncture effectively treats persistent pain such as chronic lower back pain and neck pain, shoulder pain, knee osteoarthritis pain, and chronic neck pain.
Researchers compared natural acupuncture to placebo acupuncture and no therapy. They found that genuine acupuncture significantly reduced chronic pain. These remarkable results lasted for one year, which indicates that they weren’t due to placebo effects.
2. Acute Pain
Acute lower back pain, postoperative pain, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), sciatica, acute lower pain, sciatica, and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) are all conditions for which acupuncture can provide an immediate analgesic effect.
3. Acute Sinusitis, Allergic Rhinitis, and the Common Cold
Acupuncture can be used to treat allergic rhinitis and acute sinusitis. It reduces ocular and nasal symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and a clogged, runny or irritated nose. There is information online available for anyone to see.
4. Dental Pain
Acupuncture can relieve toothaches, pain after extraction, temporomandibular joints (TMJ), clicking and locking, persistent pain or spasms, nerve pain, and temporomandibular synovial joint (TMJ) pain. You will rest better, heal faster, and have less stress. This will help you feel better and impact your mood and ideas.
5. Depression and Anxiety
Numerous studies have shown that acupuncture reduces anxiety and increases the effectiveness of antidepressants. This allows selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment to work faster to increase serotonin. Acupuncture can reduce the side effects of antidepressants. Acupuncture can increase your melatonin levels which can help you fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer.
6. Stroke Rehabilitation
Recent research has shown that acupuncture can improve brain activity in stroke victims. This finding was consistent across many scalp acupuncture investigations. The MRI equipment demonstrated that acupuncture increased brain activity and functionality. A blank control group and sham acupuncture had no effect.
7. Insomnia
Sleep is one of the aspects of overall health, and it has a significant impact on our stress levels. The results of systematic reviews of controlled, randomized studies on acupuncture to treat insomnia have shown that it is effective. Acupuncture may help produce melatonin, the initiation and maintenance of sleep, and reduce wakefulness and sleep disruption during the night. You should try this kind of therapy if you are having problems.
8. Orthopedic Surgery
Before, during, or after surgery, acupuncture can be very beneficial. It can increase your endorphin levels before surgery. This can help you manage pain and anxiety and improve overall health.
For a positive outcome after surgery, it is essential to prioritize one’s emotional and physical well-being. Other side effects of surgery include nausea/vomiting post-op, constipation, and urine retention. Acupuncture may also be helpful.