Financial Advisors: Find Clients Online Through SEO

When it comes to finding new clients, financial advisors have a few different options. They can cold call or knock on doors, go to industry events, or use SEO to bring in leads from online searches.

SEO is the modern and effective way to target potential clients interested in financial planning and investing. When someone performs a Google search for “financial advisor,” your website will show up near the top of the results page if you’ve done your SEO correctly. But take note that you may need the help of experts, such as this SEO company London-based.

Here are steps you can take to find clients online with SEO:

1. Create a Website

Your website is the foundation of your SEO efforts. If you don’t have a website, you can’t rank in Google. You need to create a well-optimized website for SEO and provides valuable information to potential clients.

2. Keyword Research

The first step in any SEO campaign is keyword research. You need to identify the keywords and phrases your target audience is likely to use when searching for financial planning services. Then, you need to optimize your website and content around those keywords.

You can use tools to help you with your keyword research, including the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and the Moz Keyword Explorer.

3. Optimize Your Website

Your website needs to be optimized for search engines to rank high in Google. This includes optimizing your titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and images. Use plugins like Yoast SEO to help you with the optimization process.

4. Publish High-Quality Content

One great way to rank high in Google is to publish high-quality content. This means writing informative and engaging articles that provide value to your readers. You also need to make sure that your content is well-researched and accurate.

For example, if you write an article about “The 10 Best Financial Advisors in Surrey,” make sure the advisors you list are actually located in Surrey. And if you write an article about “How to Invest $20,000,” make sure your advice is accurate and up-to-date.

5. Build Links

One of the most important factors in SEO is link building. You need to build links from other websites to your website to rank high in Google. This can be a difficult task, but there are a few ways to make it easier.

One way is to publish guest posts on high-traffic blogs. You can also submit your articles to directories like EzineArticles and HubPages.

If this sounds complicated and time-consuming for you, some agencies provide complete SEO services like Figment’s done for you SEO packages. It is a full service, wherein they target your area and help you with on-page optimization, website audits, creating a link-building strategy, weekly rank tracking reports, social media, etc.

6. Use Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for SEO. You can use it to share your content with a wider audience, as well as build links to your website.

For example, you can share your articles on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and you can submit them to social bookmarking sites like Reddit and Digg. You may also take advantage of social media to build relationships with potential clients and influencers.

7. Use Paid Advertising

If you want to speed up the process of finding clients online with SEO, you can use paid advertising. Paid advertising allows you to target potential clients who are already interested in your services.

There are a variety of paid advertising platforms available, including Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads.

Finding the Right SEO Expert

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of these, you don’t have to do it all yourself. You can hire an SEO expert to help you with your SEO campaign.

But not all SEO experts are created equal. You need to make sure you choose SEO professionals who know what they’re doing and who can help you achieve your goals. If you’re looking for the best digital marketing agency in Surrey, you can visit Figment Agency.